Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Nothing but a walk

There are many different roads in life. Ones that we're forced to walk on, one's that we are encouraged to walk on, one's that we happen upon, and one's that whether we know it or not at the time, aren't the best to walk on. I'm sure most people can look back and point out at what points in time, they were on which road.
Now my question to you is, can you tell what road you are on right now? Can you sincerely admit the truth to not only others, but yourself? Where are you in your journey of life?
Did your road suddenly turn into a dead end? Has it come to a fork where both paths look bad? Or has it suddenly merged into an off ramp in which you have no idea where the hell you're headed?
For me personally....I would have to go with the merged and I'm in the middle of I Don't Know Where the Hell I Landed territory.
It's ridiculous anymore. I had a plan for myself. One that would have taken me to such a different life. One that would have been probably more honorable. But at this point, I can't tell if it would have been worth it. One thing I have always said is that I regret nothing. Although the words come out of my mouth from time to time if I'm talking about certain stupid mistakes I have made. But truly if I were to regret it all, I'd be selfish. I would be taking back so many wonderful memories. Like holding my baby girl for the first time (and having a slight mental breakdown BECAUSE I HAD A KID!! lol). Or when my first love, Dustin, asked me to skate with him at my 13th birthday party and then asked me to be his girlfriend. While my dad stood off to the side giving us death eyes :). Or the first time I picked up a saxaphone.
How could I honestly look back and say there was anything I regretted? Yes, I'll be the first to admit that I have made many horrible mistakes in my life. There are things that I wish I had thought out more. Things that were stupid. But all of those mistakes have made me who I am. They have brought me through life to be a strong and loving mother. And altogether a strong person. I found a quote not too long ago that I felt described my feelings about this subject quite well. Here it is:
"A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing." - George Bernard Shaw

So all of those mistakes that you might regret or that end up doing damage, yea they suck, and trust me they will hurt, but don't regret. They are your stepping stones to life. They are the forks in the road, they are you. As mine are me.

But I think I got a bit off topic. My road has merged and keeps going. I'm crossing

(OK, so I apparently wrote this post YEARS ago, I just found it today....and I honestly needed to read this to remind me just how far I've come in life and how far I still have to for those that this might help, I'm posting this now)